Table of Contents
Fair Tax Policies: A Pathway to Human Rights and Social Justice
A Call for Prioritization of Human Rights
Amnesty International, an organization dedicated to advocating for human rights across the globe, has long been concerned with how governments in the Americas selectively prioritize the protection of human rights. The limited allocation of financial resources towards the protection of human rights exposes a lack of commitment to ensuring the full exercise of rights for all individuals. This is particularly evident in the insufficient number of individuals working in the administration of justice, leading to procedural backlogs, impunity, and corruption in some countries.
The protection of human rights requires the prioritization of public budget allocation in all related areas. Without adequate resources, there can be no guarantee of the full exercise of rights. Addressing issues such as the crisis of disappearances or feminicidal violence requires specialized institutions and prevention mechanisms, which necessitate public resources. Moreover, Historically marginalized communities face barriers accessing their basic rights due to a lack of public resources for social policies. It is evident that the central obstacle preventing states from responding to these human rights crises is the inadequate allocation of public resources.
Advocating for Fiscal Justice in the Region
To address these challenges, Amnesty International has joined a coalition of organizations advocating for fiscal justice. This coalition, consisting of organizations such as Oxfam, ICRICT, the Center for Economic and Social Rights, and the Latin American and Caribbean Tax Justice Network, aims to ensure a fair fiscal policy. Such policy measures aim to expand state budgets towards investments in public goods and services that guarantee human rights, particularly for historically marginalized populations.
A fair tax policy necessitates progressive taxation and public spending. This means imposing higher taxes on individuals with higher incomes and directing higher public spending towards addressing the inequalities faced by vulnerable groups. Additionally, taxes can be a tool to discourage harmful activities such as the exploitation of fossil fuels. It also entails ensuring that debt decisions and austerity measures do not impede states’ ability to guarantee human rights.
Insufficient Resource Allocation and its Deadly Consequences
The inadequate collection and allocation of tax revenues in the Americas have dire consequences, as evidenced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Low public spending on health and social protection, resulting from low tax collection, have made Latin America and the Caribbean the most lethal region during the global health crisis. Inequality further exacerbates the impact of the pandemic, as the market-driven model disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, including women, Indigenous peoples, and Black communities.
Environmental Considerations and Climate Justice
Current fiscal policies also contribute to the climate crisis. Fossil fuel subsidies in the Americas amount to a staggering $166 billion, with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico as significant contributors. By halving these subsidies, resources could prevent catastrophic health expenditures or guarantee the right to education for millions of individuals. Addressing the climate crisis necessitates international cooperation and ensuring that the burden does not fall on the poorest countries. Countries facing high climate vulnerability, coupled with financial debt pressures, require debt relief and substantial global resources for adaptation and mitigation.
A Plea for Reform and Accountability
Alongside advocating for fiscal justice, Amnesty International emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability mechanisms to prevent corruption and mismanagement of resources. The organization hopes that the ministerial-level Latin American and Caribbean Summit for an Inclusive, Sustainable, and Equitable Global Tax Order in Cartagena, Colombia, will lead to profound reform in economic policies.
States in the Americas must commit to a common minimum tax that reflects the fair share transnational companies should pay. The current global tax rate set at 15% during OECD negotiations is deemed insufficient to achieve greater tax justice globally. Efforts should also be made to combat tax avoidance by higher-income companies and individuals. Strong regional coordination can support initiatives such as the African proposal for a UN tax convention.
Urgent Action for Human Rights and Social Justice
It is time to prioritize human rights in public policies. Failure to do so not only reduces rights but also costs lives. The future of the Americas lies in the hands of its leaders, who must prioritize fair tax policies that guarantee the full exercise of human rights. The Cartagena summit presents an opportunity for states to demonstrate their commitment to economic policies that promote a dignified life for all. By adopting strong positions, states can reverse global trends that undermine human rights and climate justice.
The protection of human rights requires adequate resource allocation and a fair tax policy that addresses historical social demands. It is imperative that governments in the Americas prioritize human rights by expanding state budgets towards investment in public goods and services. By ensuring fiscal justice, governments can secure equal opportunities for all individuals and mitigate the impact of systemic discrimination on marginalized communities. The Cartagena summit provides a crucial platform for states to commit to these measures and work towards a more equitable and inclusive future.
<< photo by Rosemary Ketchum >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.
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