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Angolan Police Fatally Fire on Fuel-Price Protesters
The Incident
On June 6, 2023, five people were fatally shot by Angolan police during a protest in Huambo province against a recent fuel-price increase. According to the police statement, officers had to resort to lethal force as protesters were violent, destroying properties, clashing with the authorities, and blocking roads with burning tires. However, the statement did not explain why live bullets were used against an unarmed crowd.
The Use of Lethal Force
The United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials state that police must use the minimum necessary force at all times and may only use firearms when strictly unavoidable to protect life. Regional protocols ratified by Angola also emphasize that officers should only use force when necessary, exercise restraint, and act proportionally to the offense and objective. However, Angolan security forces have a record of using disproportionate and excessive force, which has resulted in deaths and injuries, including cases of unlawful killings that have gone unpunished.
The Need for Accountability
Accountability for abuses by security forces is essential to prevent their repetition and end an environment of impunity. In this case, the Angolan government needs to impartially investigate and appropriately prosecute the Huambo killings as a first step toward creating visible measures to instill respect for human rights among its security forces.
Editorial and Advice
The use of lethal force against unarmed protesters is a grave violation of human rights principles and a threat to democracy. Angola should ensure that its security forces respect the right to peaceful protest and uphold the rule of law. The government should investigate the Huambo incident transparently and hold those responsible for excessive use of force accountable. In the long term, the government should prioritize training security forces on the appropriate use of force and firearms, and establish systems of accountability that ensure the protection of human rights.
Peaceful protest is a fundamental human right that should be protected by law enforcement agencies. Citizens should be allowed to express their grievances and have their voices heard without fear of retribution. Therefore, the Angolan government must take immediate steps to restore public faith in its security forces and protect the integrity of the democratic institutions.
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