An Appeal Hearing in Moscow Upholds the 13-Year Sentence Imposed on Ukrainian Human Rights Defender Amnesty International Condemns the Decision as a Grave Miscarriage of Justice Amnesty International has criticized an appeal hearing at a Moscow court that upheld the 13-year sentence imposed on Maksym Butkevych, a Ukrainian human rights […]
Tag: courtdecision
Challenging the Constitutionality of Vagrancy Laws: Court Calls for Abrogation
Advisory Opinion from the African Court Highlights Human Rights Violations in African Vagrancy Laws Overview In a groundbreaking advisory opinion, the African Court has declared that vagrancy laws present in many African countries violate numerous human rights. These laws criminalize individuals who are poor, homeless, or unemployed, thereby perpetuating discrimination […]
Polish Court Victory for Advocates of LGBT Rights
[object Object] LGBTQ+ Pride.-LGBTrights,Poland,courtdecision,legalvictory,humanrights > You might want to read !