Violent Attack on LGBTI-friendly Bar in Beirut Raises Alarms Background In a disturbing incident that took place yesterday, a far-right Christian group known as Jnoud El-Rab launched a violent attack on Madame Om, a popular LGBTI-friendly bar in Beirut. This incident marks a troubling escalation in the ongoing attacks against […]
Tag: LGBTrights
Why Iraq Must Abandon the Discriminatory Anti-LGBT Bill
Iraq: Scrap Anti-LGBT Bill Death Penalty for Same-Sex Conduct; Imprisonment for Transgender Expression Introduction The Iraqi government is currently considering a proposed law that would impose the death penalty for same-sex conduct and imprisonment for transgender expression. Human Rights Watch has called for the immediate withdrawal of the bill, stating […]
The Struggle for LGBT Rights in Lebanon: Confronting Damaging Anti-LGBT Rhetoric
Anti-LGBT Rhetoric Undermines Rights in Lebanon Introduction The recent anti-gay remarks made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon have sparked panic and terror among the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Nasrallah described same-sex relations as a “sexual perversion” and warned that gay people’s existence is a “threat […]
Exploring the Struggle for LGBT Rights in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: LGBT People Face Bias Decriminalize Gay Sex; Pass Non-Discrimination Legislation July 20, 2023 5:00AM EDT In a recent report released by Human Rights Watch, it has been revealed that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are subjected to […]
LGBT Rights in the Middle East: A Setback in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
LGBT Rights Group Shuttered in Kurdistan Region of Iraq Background In a troubling development for the promotion of LGBT rights in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), a court ordered the closure of Rasan Organization on May 31, 2023. Rasan is the sole human rights organization in the region that […]
Ukraine’s LGBT Center: Attacked and Defiant
## Attack on Ukrainian LGBT Center Highlights Urgent Need for LGBT Protection Legislation On June 13, 2023, the office of Insight, an LGBT organization in Lutsk, Ukraine, was broken into and vandalized. The incident not only underscores the ongoing vulnerability and harassment faced by Ukraine‘s LGBT community but also raises […]
Polish Court Victory for Advocates of LGBT Rights
[object Object] LGBTQ+ Pride.-LGBTrights,Poland,courtdecision,legalvictory,humanrights > You might want to read !